0438 320 068

Home and Community assistance, as well as Shared Living.

“Every customer of My Voice should feel valued, listened to and respected as well as being assured that their needs are being met by competent and caring staff”  My Voice Directors.

My Voice offers home and community assistance and supports people to live their daily lives with expert care and in environments that are embedded within local communities. 

We provide up to 24 hour a day care to participants living in their own homes in a variety of circumstances.  We are the onsite providers for Claireleigh’s SDA in Lane Cove for those who choose us.  

Our team have expertise in complex care, high physical support, borderline personality disorder and early dementia.  We work within a friendly local community with significant opportunities for social and civic participation. 

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Western Sydney and Southern Region 
Our newest team of locally based staff provide support in our shared living home as well as in a participant’s own home and out and about in the community.   

Embedded and respected within the local community our staff create strong relationships and engagement to the benefit of participants lifestyles. 

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Central Desert 
With the majority of our staff from Central Desert communities and strong in language and culture, the support we provide in our shared living homes and out on Country is aimed at ensuring that participants in the Central Desert can experience care and support that is designed and delivered in ways that are safe and immersed in family and community.  

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